Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Help kids get free eye exams and glasses!

Please consider taking 30 seconds of your time and take the VSP eye pledge:

"For every Eye Pledge taken, VSP® Vision Care will donate an eye exam and a new pair of glasses to a child served by a Boys & Girls Club.

Three Easy Steps:

  1. Select the Eye Pledge that's right for you.
  2. Direct a free VSP gift certificate for an eye exam and glasses to a Boys & Girls Club of your choice.
  3. Spread the word and help us reach our goal."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Comcast offering internet special for low-income families

Comcast is currently offering a reduced rate/sale on internet service ($9.95/month) if your child receives free school lunches!  They are also offering a low-cost computer at $149.99 (plus tax) and free internet training.

Please see here for more information:

Where have I been?

As some of you know, I am currently in South America learning Spanish and helping at an orphanage.  I will be back in a couple of months and be back to updating the blog regularly.  In the meantime, expect infrequent updates when I come across something really interesting. Thanks for understanding!